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Mkurugenzi wa Education For Disabled Tanzania (EFDT), Emelia Kabika (wa kwanza kulia), akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na baadhi ya washiriki wa Programu ya NIELIMISHE NIJIKOMBOE. Programu hii, ambayo imeanza rasmi leo tarehe 26/06/2024, inalenga kuwawezesha wanawake wenye ulemavu kwa kuwapa maarifa na utaalamu katika sekta ya urembo. EFDT itashirikiana na SHIVYAWATA na Styles Avenue Beauty Salon ili kuhakikisha mafanikio ya programu hii na kuleta mabadiliko ya kiuchumi kwa washiriki wake.

Supplying School Essentials

On February 14th, we accomplished the significant feat of supplying school essentials to 230 children with disabilities at the Matumaini school of disabilities . These essentials included items like pens, pencils, rulers, erasers, sharpeners, and notebooks. This initiative aligns with the principle of inclusive education, ensuring that all children, regardless of their abilities, have access to the tools they need to learn and thrive in their educational journey.

#inclusion #inclusivity

Gender-based Violence

Attending the panel discussion on building communities to address gender-based violence was truly an honor. I had the privilege of meeting Jeanne Clark, the Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy of the United States of America. Our conversation focused on the importance of including victims in discussions, aiming to find more effective ways to support them in overcoming the daily challenges of gender-based violence.